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I accepted the offer :D

It is surreal how much money I'll be making and please my readers don't think I am arrogant. Infact, I am in shock. It is quite something to suddenly go from being a church mouse to making a whole lot more money that you expected. But I am probably very good at what I've been hired to do- why else would a company invest so much in me? I don't even havea business degree!

Out of disbelief and ecstasy, I told my friends and close family about it and while I do have my share of friends who are extremely happy for me, I was surprised to see a few friends pissed off and jealous. It sucks that I even have to say it.. but that's lesson number one I learn.

Yes, so I will be making more money than some of my friends who have MBA's and are older than me by a couple years, but I deserve it. I am not guilty about my new job, my new position, my perks or the salary. Infact, the salary was the last thing that lured me on to this job. I understand however, how such news may upset someone. I have myself been upset and a wee bit jealous when my friends started getting jobs and making money and when I was still a poor broke jobless graduate. But I wasn't jealous about the money they were making, I was jealous that they had a job and I was still struggling. And ofcourse I was jealous that their wardrobes were overlflowing with clothes and my wardrobe was meagre. But every bitch has her day and now's mine.

I was even surprised by some of *family*'s reaction. Particularly a certain cousin. I don't know. whatever. Eff it all. I have learnt my lesson : choose very carefully who you want to share your happiness with. VERY carefully. It's easier to find people to share your sorrows and pain than it is to find someone to share your happiness with.

My parents are here for a few months now. YAYAYAYAYA. My mom cooked such amazing food. I had pani puri and sev puri the other day .. and all my friends came over and we just had a very good time. It was soo much fun!! R is also being soo nice to my parents... he even offered to drive them up to NJ coz they wanted to spend soem time with my niece before she left for India.

The best part about having my parents over is that I dont have to worry about not showng them a good time. It used to piss me and my sister off that we never could afford to take our parents out to the nice little restaurants in philly. or to a broadway show or to a jagjit singh show... but now, that won't be a problem. the best thing about earning money, is spending it on people you care for the most. and spending it on my parents, esp, is so gratifying, considering all that they've doen for me. I can't tell you how happy they are., how ridiculously happy. they aren't worried about my sister's education anymore either...

oh oh oh.. and did i tell you, i get to go to switzerland and finland and god knows where else bcoz of my new job :DD:D:DDD:

this has been a long time in the coming. and i totally deserve this. i don't care who's jealous, who's pissed off and who'ss hoping i get fired. this one's a keeper.

on another note, I've been a bitch to R. I've not been able to give him enough time and even though I do have tons of work, I really shouldn't be using my job as an excuse. I need to focus more on my relationship. One of my fav. cousins called me from India-- she knows about me and R and I told her that Dad was asking all sorts of questions about him (abt his family , his future plans... etc) and that I was both scared and happy.

scard coz this is finally becoming more real that it was and happy coz it is finally becoming more real that it was.

do i make sense?

the thing is.. it's always scary to realize that you will be spending your entire life with this one person that you have chosen. sometimes that thought repels me and sometimes it fills me with giddy happiness. but one step at a time so i don freak myself out.

the weather's getting better too... spring an sunshine is finally here!

4 Responses to “yay”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey good to hear that you're finally taking up a great job! You reminded me of one of my friends who went thorough a similar experience abt two years ago... That feeling of something happening when you least expect it is sure wonderful isnt it? :) Wish you all the best!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey, U certainly are making lots of goodsense!
    Wish U the bestest!!!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You have finally arrived, madam!

    Cheers to life huh!

    One minute you're dragging yourself along and the next minute you're running to keep up!

    Those dreams that we used to talk of are finally materializing huh!

    Oh hey when's the wedding? :P

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Oh wow cool, finally ur on ur way!!
    Cheers, Have a great journey in this new phase of ur Life!

    Switzerland, woo ok now Im jealous...hehehe...I need the chocos when and if u go there

    Take care n have dhamaal eating the dhal dokhli:)

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