Eyes only for you

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Following your dream can be so difficult sometime. I just met with a reporter at **** magazine. To write for that magazine would be an ultimate dream. Only, I'd have to be an intern to do that. They do not hire freelancers, nor are they hiring anyone right now. And with magazines, who knows when they'll need someone full-time. I was told that I should send in my resume regardless and that the reporter would put in a favorable word for me and have be considered for the Internship Program.

Its a catch 22. I don't know if I can afford an internship program. I don't know if I can afford to live on $6/hour for 3 months. But to deny this opportunity may be someone else's fortune. Sometimes I think, I wonder-- if I had never changed my major, if I was still stuck to b-school, I'd be making $1500 a week. I'd be rich. Unhappy, but rich.

Right now, the fact that I don't have a place of my own. That I'm stil living out of a suitcase at my cousins and out of a closet at my sister's pisses me off. And yet, I know with the way my job situation and work life is working out -- It is wise to save as much money as I can. I still don't have health insurance. Although my parents think I do. I have almost found a place but for $700/month, I am not sure I can afford it.

Sometimes, no matter how much further I go- It always feels like I'm back to square one. Sleeping on someone else's sofa, eating out of someone else's plate and using someone else's shower. Nothing is tangibly mine or something I pay for. Ofcourse, the genorisity of family can never be paid for. but this is a hapless torture I can change nothing about.

But someone once said, "I tried to walk without a dream and I fell down." May as well have been me.

3 Responses to “Eyes only for you”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    brilliant as always

    I am just so upset today that I cannot seem to find words to comment here...

    But the post is always in tune with me somehow

    do u and i have same time frames happening in life or did we both separate at the kumbh ka mela??

    Good luck with the job, I think u shld do it-it will pay off in the long run. U are a strong character and will be able to juggle:) See the finish line not the course


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Happy Holi!!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Don't worry J. Everythng will be ok ... soon! Here's a little pome on hope written by my buddy Jason Kill.

    Hope floats
    When I wish it would founder
    Left port for the storm
    On the day that I found her

    Hope stays
    When I wish it would leave
    No rest for my brain
    Or a moment's reprieve

    Hope lives
    When I wish it would die
    Silent prayers lofted up
    To this swimming pool sky

    Hope hurts
    When I wish it would heal
    Thank God for a hope
    That regret cannot steal

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