On loving and living

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I finally got an apartment! In Hoboken, it's a beautiful, beautiful place- remniscent of the 90's Paris. Tiny bars, curious shops and wide spaces. I love it. I have my own bedroom with an attached bathroom. It costs a fortune but it is impossible to find anything cheaper in or around NY without compromising on security, area and space. I will move in 1st of April and I'm absolutely thrilled.

I've been aggressively hunting for projects after May. No luck yet but I've had some leads. There is a job opening- just the right kind for me. I applied for the job today and I have my fingers crossed and a strategy laid out. I feel a little burned out though. Every day at work feels like a failure if I don't get atleast one more lead. But I think good times are ahead. I believe good times are ahead. Just having the apartment issue sorted has made my head clearer.

On everything else, I'm pretty confident that slowly...but surely, I'll continue getting more writing assignments. It has been such a ride. Oh! My sister and me spoke. We had a real conversation in years. And we made a pact to spend atleast half an hour alone every weekend when I return to Philly. I am so happy. It takes ttwo to tango, and she showed me where I had gone wrong. I needed to hear that.. just as much as I needed to know she loved me and wanted our relationship to work.


Next on my agenda is, to breathe. I often feel like I'm trying to catch the next train... even when I am on a train. I want to feel numb in my head, numb with relaxation. Even as I write here, my manner is brisk and quick, as though I am in a time-crunch. Slowly, that too will come.


2 Responses to “On loving and living”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey, I've been following your blog for quite some time now. It's nice to read about others who're also putting themselves in a wee bit of danger to live their dreams.

    Keep it up!

    About the closing word, Inshallah, I wonder whether you are aware it means 'in the hands of God'.

    You do that and I'm sure life will turn your way.


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 


    Congrats on the flat...Although April 1st ur not trying to pull a fast one on us na....hahaha...just kidding

    Great to hear u found a nice cosy nest u can make ur home, and good luck with ur sister and everything else

    It will all work out good in the end, coz u always listen to that inner voice...

    So only good will come to U!!

    My best wishes as always


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