Weekend woes

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What a lovely weekend I had. First my bag got stolen, then the friend cheated me and then-- my computer, my beloved MAC stops working. I don't care about the computer, I just want all my stuff back. Bloody bastards are demanding $500 for a data recovery. The stuff in there is priceless: photographs and documents. But $500?
Unless a miracle manifests in some way -- I know where my one weeks worth of pay is going. :(

There's bad energy around... my boss's sister got diagnosed with curable (thank god) cancer and another boss (a buddhist) says she's not feeling good about the vibrations around.

Oh and the Queens apart didn't work out either. The entire freakin street smelt of Indian food -I didn't even go inside the run-down, peeled-paint, ripped-off building. R and me drove away after spending 10 minutes infront of that building. I'd be miserable and depressed there. And then we got lost in Queens. Argh. Thank god we had a car.

Obviously, my weekend was.. splendid. Hopefully yours wasn't as fun as mine.

1 Responses to “Weekend woes”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    My iBook's hard drive too crashed a month ago. I got many kernel panics followed by disk crash. all my valuable photos, music, docs, applications etc. got lost. I had the option to recover data, but I let go as it was proving too costly ...around $90 per hour and mechanic told me it would take anywhere between 3-8 hours on average. This cost would be in addition to new hard-drive install. So I just went for new hard-drive and OS by Apple itself for $290 (my warranty had expired :-(). Apple itself doesn't do data recovery. They send it to Apple-certified experts. You can directly contact such experts too. I am sure there will be plenty around where you stay. They all charge differently, so you can work out the options. I fortunately recovered most of my data from backup Cd's and Dvd's, but not all. In future, to avoid disk crash, read my advice. Might apply to you.

    One thing I havent mentioned in the post is running "first aid" every month or so(applications -> utilities -> disk utility), aside from taking backups of course :-)
    Hope your next weekend is better or eventless.

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