car car car!

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Things are work are heating up. The colleague I've been car-pooling with is leaving to Aruba for a vacation for the next 10 days which leaves me without a ride and hence, has forced me to buy my car this weekend-- a full three weeks sooner than planned.
I've been practising on R's car since a few days but he yells too much at me. So yesterday he asked D, his best friend/roommate and my friend to sit next to me and coach me. D didn't yell even once and only pointed out my mistakes after I had parked the car. So when we left to go home again, I drove and I took point of all of D's notes and made those improvements in my driving. R threw up his hands because he had been saying the same things to me for the last 2 weeks. I told him if he didn't scold me so much, I'd have listened to him. He just shrugged. :P

So now I am scheduled to give an exam on Friday morning and I simply cannot fail it. If I do, I just won't have a way to get to work for the next couple of days. Inshallah.

7 Responses to “car car car!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey, not goin to wurk ain't sucha bad thing wot! But Inshallah, this test too U shall pass :)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    For some reason this is making me laugh like crazy! :) Good luck with the test...

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    dobereinerr -- your name intriguies me. what does dobereinerr mean? i can't even pronounce it right.

    grey shades -- yeah well. it's harsh to be 23 and be yelled at like a 3 yr old! i was a subtle way of showing him teh finger :P (it worked) no more yelling now! heh

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    :) Yes I know that works. My sis did that to me when she was learning to drive. Not to mention the cold shoulder for the rest of the week for yelling at her. And yes I am on the Big O. Tried looking for an email here but couldnt find one! So mail me at and i'll add you...

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    :) Yes I know that works. My sis did that to me when she was learning to drive. Not to mention the cold shoulder for the rest of the week for yelling at her. And yes I am on the Big O. Couldnt find an email here, so mail me at and I'll add ya...

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    It's the name of a scientist. And life for me is an ongoing experiment. So...

    Wish U luck for the vroom test.

    And call me Dob.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 


    Happy Diwali and have a bumper of a ride :)

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