working girl

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My boss put together a cross-functional team for my project a few weeks back. they all made it to the first meeting and none showed up for the second meeting. I was a bit bummed and so I scheduled 1-on-1 meetings to get to know them better, to have them understand me and just break the ice and sell them on my project. unless they think of this as their baby too, I'll never get a 100% from them.

so today, when the mktg director wasn't able to make it to my meeting, he emailed me and informed me about it. and said something about "our project." it made me feel all warm and fuzzy. atleast my team members are thinking about this project as their baby! in the next 2 weeks, i hope to gain more goodwill and totally convert them into firm believers of the project that I'm heading. it feels awesome especially coz I'm a lowly 23 year old and these are people with fantastic experiences and years and years of experience. I'm learning oh so much. But deep down, I am always on the edge. Wondering what if I get fired? what if my company decides to not go ahead with the project? my paperwork isn't completely done yet and it makes me anxious. funnily, I've never thought- what if I fail at this project. That's a good indication, I suppose. I live to work. and thankfilly, I love my work.

This weekend was totally chilled out. We didn't do anything extravagant, just slept half the day and stayed up half teh nights! We drove down to jersey to watch munna bhai and my sister (Jolly) and me cannot stop humming "pal pal.." On our way back from the movie, Gaurav got cranky because it was long weekend and he wanted to *do* something. So we made a detour and drove to Altantic City. It was super fun! We didn't gamble much, all of us are big sissies when it comes to gambling money. But we decided to go to vegas next year and go all out.

Yesterday R went to watch the US Open live with his best friend. He was gone for most of the day and believe it or not, even though we missed each other crazy, we both end up having a great time. I spent quality time with Jolly. She cooked dosas for lunch and I rent 'Just my luck', the silly chick flick. After lunch, I walked to the city to spend some money (hehe) and bought a lovely SJP-like dress that I can wear to work as is and can wear out to dinner if I only added a piece of electric blue silk ribbon to it. Improvisations! My time from the ny fashion mags comes in handy now. While shopping at the store, I befriended the shopgirl who was grumbling about having to fold the pile of clothes other shoppers left behind. "People are such animals!" Turns out, she lives a block from my building and is an engg. from U Mich Ann-Arbor. She is in-between jobs right now and has to suck it up in retail until she finds something else. Mostly, we hit it off coz she's from Lebanon and we had enough stories to swap about our countries. We end up walking home together and she's promised to teach me belly dancing if I feed her some Indian food! yaaay!

I also bumped into two very good friends of mine while walking in the city and end up having coffee with them. It was just so good to be out on my own, without a boyfriend.... I don't mean it in a negative way. I mean it exactly the way I said it. I hung out with my girl-friends, swapped stories, made plans to go salsa-ing this weekend and came home a happy camper.

Jolly invited me for dinner and we cooked together. I grumbled coz she insisted on making rotis from scratch (atta and all) I pleaded that we should just heat the frozen malaysian paraths and she wouldn't listen. But boy, am I glad! The rotis were dripping with Amul ghee and while it took us 2 hours to cook the meal, it was over in 10 mintues! We pounced on it like we'd never seen food before.
After dinner she ordered me to go inside her room. She said she had a "surprise." She walks in the room a few minutes later with FALOODA!!!!
I almost died!

And gulped down the glass, stuffing my already over-stuffed stomach.

I came home and chilled with another friend for a bit and then went to bed. R came back from teh match at 4am and I was sooo happy. I woke up , we talked, he showed me the pics, gave me a smiley bear that says US OPEN and we hugged and went to bed.

the best sleep i ever had!!!

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