too much of a good thing

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Last night, another murky fight, wasted evening, spent feeligns and hurt eyes. relationships are so hard. eternal love and all that is one thing but (attempting) to live with someone 24/7 is another. there is no room for bullshit coz when you do, you get caught.
We are just too different and althought I know R occasionally reads this, I guess I have to admit that sometiems I wonder if love will keep us through this. He thinks I'm psycho and I think he has an anger problem. And this is a relationship, so even though it is very tempting to bring in a third person to judge who's right and wrong, we just have to talk it through and figure out who's right and who's wrong, coz trust me, someone is always wrong.
He feels that I take him for granted, which I agree, I do sometimes but have been makign a conscious effor to not do so. and btw, this was the a fukin difficult sentence to admit to.
Two friends of ours, that are married and live a few floors above mine talked to us one night when me and R fought infront of them and I hit R. (it was a terrible night) This is my first real relationship, and R and me are both ambititious and headstrong and I think we have big egos when it comes to each other. I don't knwo what it is man! All I know is, I dont want to screw this up.

I've been dyin to go otu dancing since such a long time. i don't remember the last time I went dancing. But it wont be possible this wekeend either thanks to hurricane ernesto. ill have to stay cooped in my apt. and clean my bathroom. how fun.

2 Responses to “too much of a good thing”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hang in there... U2 will come through, ok fine :)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Maybe you both should go dancing! Nothing like a little livery to make the blues of a fight go away...

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