gettign ready for the long weekend

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I skipped work on tuesday, as did the BF. It wasn't really planned, we just couldn't wake up in the morning. Two of our friends (that the BF doesn't like evry much but I do) left for India for a few months. They will probably be married when they are back. So we had a last dinner together and it got quite late that night. Which explains why we couldn't wake up the next morning.

So the BF made me awesome dosas, and called me Stinky as I feasted on them in my pjs and wthout brushing my teeth. That's his pet name for me, Stinky. And I actually lke it, I think its adorable. I do not stink, thank you very much...infact, I smell very good. So while eating the dosas with Mangola, we were flipping channels and end up watching a beautiful documentary on Philadelphia. and my heart burst with the love I feel for this city. It has molded me into who I am today. as I watched the documentary, i realized how little of this city I know. and how much remains to be explored. sigh.

on another note, sometimes, I sorely miss new york. just for the kind of people that live in that city, the kind of things they do, and the kind of conversations they have. I wish Philly attracted such people...I used to feel very lost in new york. its like, i knew teh streets and the subways, but I didn't know the people. in philly, i feel at home with the people here. inshallah, maybe i will return to nyc (and this time LIVE in nyc) in a few years.

the long weekend is creeping up. today is aug 31st and teh chill in the air reminds me that winter is lurkign around the corner. the swimming pool is empty now because it is too cold. we barely had a summer. i'm planning on going to LA mid-nov to attend a non-profit fashion event. the event's organizer and me became friends over an interview and we want to take the event to india. i'm planning on coming to india this dec as well and she'll accompany me so we can scout the scene and so i can show her around bambai. i have two weddings to attend this dec and im super psyched.

nitin is getting married in a place called solan, a hour away from shimla. i have NEVER been to the north of india and i'm so excited. most of our friends will be there and it will be soo much fun! unfortunately R can't make it and it makes me very sad. i will miss him throughout. he hasn't been to his home in kerela in almost 3 yrs now and can't go until next year. some h1 crap.

i love sarees. and im always loooking for an excuse to wear one. and weddings are the perfect excuse to add more sarees to your wardrobe. ive decided though that i will pack very light for my flight to india. nothing but the essentails, i dont really fancy havig my luggage lost or having to drag it around.

so I will spend 3 days in solan/simla with friends and head back to bbay for tina(1)s wedding. she's a bohri and ive heard muslim weddings are a blast. they the food is supposed to be delicious if i remember a certain friends description of a bohri wedding he attended (!) granted, i may not get to spend time with her but she's moving to dubai after her wedding and taht gives me a reason to visit dubai. yay. her wedding will last a few days but since i will be in bbay i will have time to get work done and meet my other friends and family. i will prolly take off 10-12 days from work and it will be a defintie challenge to fit everyone!

in spt. however, another friend and fellow blogger visits new york and may get married here. so i may have to troop down there! growing old is so much fun, atleast for now- you get to witness yoru friends thru the biggest and some of the best moments in their lives.

on another note-- this weekend we are planning to watch the munna bhai part 2. I am SOO excietd. i loved the first part of the movie.


6 Responses to “gettign ready for the long weekend”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Ah music... sweet music! :)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    yaay! me too planning a visit to mumbai in Dec. Even i won't be able to take more than 15 days from work I think. :(

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    yaay! me too planning a visit to mumbai in Dec. Even i won't be able to take more than 15 days from work I think. :(

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    yaay! me too planning a visit to mumbai in Dec. Even i won't be able to take more than 15 days from work though, I think. :(

  6. Anonymous Anonymous sorry about all that...I was getting repeated errors actually...pls delete all those comments.

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