Just whizzed by me.

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Sometimes the monotony of life grips you so tightly that to break away from it's wooziness, would be akin to a victorous sense of freedom. Only if you can break free of it.

My presentation with the CEO of this bank went so well that he emailed me 5 hours later offering me a job. I had hoped for it but hadn't anticipated it.
The CEO didn't know I was only 23, he started laughing when he found out. After hearing my presentation he said, 'I've read that there are three kinds of people in business. The rule makers, the rule followers and the rule breakers." He continued, I think you are a rule-breaker." I blushed. It was a compliment!

Later this weekend, I got a call and I was told ," Enjoy this weekend if you can. relax if you can, because on monday your life is going to change."


I'm ready. I'm finally ready to get rid of my inertia. This week I may be signing a lease to my own 1-bedroom apartment in the city. I will also begin car-shopping. I also made a personal oath to take my finances and debt under control. From being the 23 year old bumbling ambitious achiever, I've gone to being the 23 year old who's about the change the banking industry. If I fail, it will be a spectacular failure. If I win, it will be a spectacular win. But. I'm ready.

3 Responses to “Just whizzed by me.”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Attagirl! here's wishing you all the best! {{hugs}} Oh and the new link is here in the 'website' field of this comment.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Wish U the bestest!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey great, congrats....Sure ull rock:)

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