Play tag

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6 Weird/Signature things about me:
- I don't like chocolates, cereals or peanut butter
- Can survive on fruit smoothies.
- I am incredibly quick with work and other stuff. What takes others 5 hours, takes me 2.
- Oblivious to the obvious
- People piss me off only when they infringe my pesonal territory: tangible, intangible or someone I love.
- Fall asleep in anything that moves: cars, planes, trains, buses. But can stay up all night working.
- Laughter is a word my friends associate with me.
- Cannot take romantic movies anymore.

I don't know anything else that can be classfied weird about me.
Do you think that when you say something too often, it comes true? Its like you want it to happen but aren't sure it will happen so you keep releasing that thought in the universe and everything works for you and your thought becomes a reality.
In a psych class once my teacher taught me to draw a heart and write I AM in it. And around it write things that I aspire, that I want and my ambitions. She said, writing them makes them tangible and sets it down. In my experience, it has always worked. I remember Coehlo makes the same point in the Alchemist.

Ambitions can be dangerous. A couple months ago I met with two bloggers who were working on a new business plan/ community idea. They wanted me on-board but I didn't get good vibes from one of the bloggers. A girl, my aged, who had earned a dcent amount of press for blogging live at an event.
But in naivette and the excitement, I agreed to be a part of their endeavor (pulled out a few weeks later) but I also shared my plans of an idea I was working on. It was just a healthy discussion.. bouncing ideas.. telling them why I thought my idea would work and would be super..

What happens last week? Those buggers stole my idea and incorporated it on their website/ business venture! I was enraged, but you know-- what can I really hold them responsible for? That girl-- is just a smart business women. I can rant on about ethics and integrity, but dude-- if you want to survive as an entrepreneur, you've gotta be looking out for for your best interest. I'm just stupid to have revealed my ideas and stupider for not having worked on them befroe these nutcases. Oh well. I did feel a sting of jealousy and repent. I was annoyed at the guts this girl had to steal my idea and make it her own. Right down to the tee. But what to do now? Just be careful in the future and eliminate her from the competition. And its not like that was the last idea I'll ever have. :S

As I learn the ropes of working for myself, I realize the finer nuances of being your own boss. It is a fine line. When there's a choice between furthering your business and sticking to integrity - what would you pick?
I think this is going to be the most difficult question to answer as I move further with my dreams. Hopefully, the answers will come gracefully.

Ok. thats it. More business lessons as I learn them.

1 Responses to “Play tag”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You sleep in things that move? Still not out of your childhood eh? ;) And dont worry! Ideas will keep coming to ya but for the ones who stole them they gonna have to look for someone to steal from! So who do you think is more insecure? :)

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