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Today my Dad told me that I am a failure because I haven't had a single steady job since I graduated last year.

If I am a failure in his eyes, Have I been lying to myself? He told me a couple years from now I will see wisdom in his words and regret the mistake I am making right now.

It hurt.

Why do I refuse to believe him. And why for the first time in my life, I DO not want to make any amends with him or my mum.

5 Responses to “”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey, that's the way most parents are. Sometimes they just fail to understand our perspective. Look at me, am an engineer but have dived headlong into Advertising. There are reasons which no one can understand, but me.

    N yeah, bin reading your blog for some time now, n FAILURE is the last word that comes to mind if I were to describe U.

    Stay cool, n stay true to your dreams!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This may seem like unsolicited advice but, if you put yourself in his shoes you'll know why he is saying what he is saying. After all he just wants the best for his daughter right?

    That said, dont ever think you are a failure. I heard this adage once which says that if you do one thing in your entire day that made you feel satisfied then your day was successful!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    A failure is someone who has tried and not succeeded ... a loser is someone who doesn't have the balls to try.

    .... Nothing so horrible in being called a failure. The sad thing is so many people throw away the oil in the lamp only because they can't find a match.

    Shine on!

    PS: Love you back

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey there! Hope everthing is alright?

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well!.... I know that in business especially, if you don’t stick to something for long you usually are not expected to do the same with a future employer.
    It is important to show steadiness to give employers a confidence.
    That is not as much the case in IT though. In business jobs it is.

    Your dad just said it in a harder manner than he could have may be he did now to say it any different. Give the man a chance. He is not perfect like you and me

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