Turning 23
Published Monday, June 26, 2006 by Color/Light/Water | E-mail this post
I turn 23 tomorrow! yay.
I'm not worried about growing older, what worries me is not accomplishing enough as I grow older.
I've got a new project in NY and I'll have to go there a couple times a week. I need to find an apartment soon now. I think once I find out how the July 14 presentation goes, I'll have a clearer idea of moving forward with my apartment plans. This time, I want to hitch in for a long time. ANd long time means atleast a year. More would be a plus.
I have another meeting for a new project and I want to nail it. I have to GET that contract. R and me had another argument about the whole getting a full-time job thingy. I misunderstood him. I have a bad habit, I talk without thinking things through. I vocalize stuff that' flits across my mind and I don't vocalize stuff that needs to be said out loud. I gushed over how I'd love to move back to Philly, get a full-time job, get an apt. etc.. when the whole NY job fizzled out and another project kicked in in Philly. And once another NY project worked out, I vacilitated again. It upset R...becuase I bought his hopes up everytime I spoke about moving back to Philly. I didn't even realize how I take him for granted sometimes.
But YAY- I turn 23 tomorrow. It's my birthday! I don't have many updates. OH- I got most of my stuff back from my old hard-drive and finally afforded a new one. It was a steep $300 but you gotta do what you gotta do. Can't buy a new computer yet, but inshallah, god willing- I should be able to buy a new comp. soon.
And tomorrow is also Sam's bday. My darling Candian hermit. But if I know him well, he will avoid all phone calls and such tomorrow.
I don't have many insights/resolutions and lessons learnt about turning 23. I'm content. Life and things can always be better - - but they are getting better. Maybe by next year, I will have moved far ahead career-wise. Touchwood!
Wish you many happy returns of the day! :) There is only one thing we can do in life and thats move forward! You have a great day tomo!
Happy Birthday!
N the good things will surely come yur way (Touched a whole woody tree there!)
happy Birthday Girl!!
Have a rocking day and rock on