10 things for 2006.
Published Friday, December 29, 2006 by Color/Light/Water | E-mail this post
1. I like new blogger.
2. My Christmas break is uneventful, to say the least. Childhood friend is visiting, we are close but not close. Close because we share the same friends, school and college. But it was nice having her here, kinda got to know her better. For example, I now know that she hates cheese and animated movies.
3. Miss Jolly. Miss bombay more. Miss it more because Jolly is so busy partying and experiencing bombay the way I've always wanted to. With friends. And at 20.
4. Boyfriend surprised me with lovely chandelier swarovski earrings. AND the Aladin DVD. OMG. That was the cheapest, but in my opinion, the best-est gift ever just for the sentimental value that movie holds for me. Dont ask me why. Aladin, 'A Whole new world,' magic -- I grew up thinking that fantasy was my life and the song was the background to my life. The poloroid also arrived. Me ecstatic.
5. Random 'gaav' ke cousins are now on orkut. Alerted boyfriend to not scrap. Reminded myself to delete all scraps that allude to the his existence.
6. New year resolution: 1) make more friends, meet more people 2) create something, make it big 3) hit the jackpot,bring home the million.
7. Philly tires me sometimes. Need to make new friends here or need to convince existing friends to move here.
8. Boyfriend moving apartments. Weekend and 31st will be spent cleaning, moving and cleaning some more. No regrets. Will miss him though from my apartment :(
9. Joined belly-dancing classes.
10.Fell a little bit more in love with myself.
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