Pedestrian Woes

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I'm staying with my roommate's best friend Kusum. K works for one an accounting firm in India and they shipped her over here to help out with the tax season. Luckily for me, I'm crashing with her at her uber-tiny, but ultra cool studio on Times Sqaure- What a pleasant change it has been for me to wake up at 9am and leave for work at 10am (its only a 5 min walk!) When I commuted from Jersey, I had to be up at 7am and leave by 8. Sheesh.

Today the MTA (the subway and bus system in New york) is on strike. I watched the news this morning and saw throngs of commuters stranded in Brooklyn and Queens figuring out a way to get to work. I felt smug that I wasn't one of them! I sauntered to work in a short silk skirt, high boots and tights to keep me warm! My Bisou-Bisou plum coat is very stylish and sexy but not at all warm! K asked me yesterday, does this keep you warm? I said, no, it keeps me stylish! :P If I had my own place here, I'd have the luxury of choosing a coat to go with my outfit everyday. Since I'm living out of a bag (literally!) I can only carry one coat with me.

Yesterday for dinner, K showed me this new place. New for me, not for New York. It's called the Kati roll house and is on 46th, between 5th and 6th aves. Its orange colored walls reminded me of Barista. The walls were dotted with old Amitabh Bacchan movie posters. Naseeb, Don, Namak halal and the rest I forgot. It was a little expensive but I hadn't eaten frankies in a long time. I tried the achari paneer and aloo tikki roll. In my head I was thinking, I have to bring R here! He's gonna love the place coz they had all kinds of non-veg rolls too. After dinner, we walked back to K's apartment and I promptly fell asleep within an hour! I have a slight suspicion that my mama's daughter, my cousin, lives in the same building as K. Its very weird with her- either there has been a major miscommunication or I just am insecure around her.

A, my cousin, is extrememly beautfiful. Some people don't think so, but I do. She's some 5.9 " tall, fair-skinned and had jet black hair which she dyed to a blondish brown. She used to have people swooning all over her. When she was getting her nails done at a salon- the lady who did her nails kept saying to her she should enter modeling. So when A moved to NYU she went on a binge diet and would count calories like a maniac. She got a portfolio made and then started modelling. So when I say I am insecure about her, I don't think my fears are totally baseless! Anyhow, at one point when we were little, we were close. Its funny coz we were closer when I was in India and then when I moved here- we grew so apart that now it has been one year since I last communicated with her. After I came her, I was kinda expecting her to keep in touch with me, visit me, that kinda shit. And she never did! So 2 yrs back when I was in NY for the summer, interning at this magazine, I emailed her. I was alone and had no friends. She replied back saying she was very busy and had "to check her schedule." I never heard from her after that and never wrote to her after that.

My fear was palapable in that email. My helplessness was apparent. I was new to a city, and my cousin who's been here for 8 years didn't even offer me an opportunity to crash at her place OR to meet me! I was soon filled with immense anger towards her and her family because every time they came to India, my parents dropped everythng, cancelled all our plans to accomodate them. I try not to hate her too much or think about her too much because a few years back she was diagnosed with lymph cancer. She's perfectly alright now (touchwood) and doing very well at her job too. But I don't stop fantasizing about the day when I'm extremely rich and successful and famous or in a position to help her. I don't stop fantasizing about the day I'll just bump into her on some random street or a club in NY or even the elevator of this building I'm living in with K. Mostly, I await the day she and her family will meet R and realize however insigificant I may be to them, I mean the world to this guy.

This week at work has been excruciatingly slow. But I am not leaving work before 6! I get paid by the hour and I want my money! Even if I sit here and read old magazine or evasdrop on other's phone conversations. :P

I wrote to two other magazines today to establish a connection and hopefully secure some freelance projects. I'm also thinking about finding a place here for sometime because I am not a big fan of crashing at people's places and living out of a suitcase!

Last Friday, our friends who are still in school threw a End-of-Semester drinking party. It was SO good to get together with our friends. R's best friend and roommate Dhrumil was leaving for India the next morning and we partied like crazy. Before I met R, him, Dhrumil, Tina and Shreepal used to be best friends. And everytime R gets together with them, he's a different person. He is truly himself, and he lets go of himself with thee people. I've never ever seen him get drunk before. He just never gets drunk. I have no idea how much alcohol he consumed this party coz he passed out! and three guys had to carry him down to my apartment! LOL. It was so funny! On Saturday, we went for Bluff master with Tina and Salim. And later had dinner at Penag. While we were eating, Tina told me it was so good to see R wearing colors. Apparently before R met me, he only wore button-down starched, ironed shirts to college! He was always prim and proper. Even his jeans used to be ironed!! (shudder!) I remember being horrified when I first saw his closet : everything was blue and white!!!
Now his closet is amazingly eclectic and colorful. After we started going out, he began to wear slacks and trackpants to college and started experimenting with yellow and orange. HeeHeeHaaHaa. I take full credit for this! I didn't even know him before we started going out so I'm thankful I didn't see him in his colorless phase. :P

Its obvious I have no work and am sitting quite jobless. I guess I'll go back to reading old magazines.

2 Responses to “Pedestrian Woes”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Sounds like you had a blast at the party huh! Me too been partying like a bastard lately. I need a few days of rest now.

    Nice job you got hold of - sitting around and reading magazines - what more can ya ask for!

    I've mailed you the anti spam comment code in ur yahoo mailbox, check it out and implement it.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I still cannot seem to understand why you are so insecure around your cousin?? From what I've read of what you've written, she seems to be nothing but just a chick with the perfect bod or face!! But I think u are a much better human being than her and so I feel if anyone should be insecure it should be her!!

    I hope your fantasy comes true of a time when you are rich and famous and successful and she is in dire need of your help, I hope then that you go all out and help her for that is what will make her feel like the smallest of worms that crawl this earth!! Like gita says Jo Hota Hai Ache Ke liye Hi Hota Hai!
    Ur better off without her help/pity!
    Always remember that if she is bad to you, you should not be to her, for then such people will always feel their wounds scratched when they see the good that previals in your soul and that they dont have one as they sold theirs to the devil

    Besides stop giving so much imp to her, remove all the negative peple/events/emtotions from your life, where is the time in these little 24 hrs??

    Wow U brought colour into R's Life? Now how many women can boast of that??Lucky Him


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