Sleeping and searching

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It was a bad idea to stay up all night to get back into schedule. I felt a weird sourness in my throat all day and then fell asleep on my desk for a good hour. Its alright though coz no one ever comes into the cave. (the cave, is where i sit with the other reporters, its a lil dingy corner and feels very private) Besides, I have only one story to work on and it is not closing today. So its very relaxed in here.

A good thing happened- I got the job at the magazine I interviewed for! It's not a full time job (trust me, in the magazine industry in USA - it is harder to find a full time job than for a homeless person to find a job at the local 7 eleven.) It is "fulltime-freelance" whatever that means. But I love this magazine, and am delighted to be a part of it! I wish, I wish I could spil more details about the name of the magazine and the notorious publishing house it belongs to - but I can't. Its unprofessional and could be my one-way ticket to get thrown out of the magazine world!

But I'll tell you this much- it is the number one women's magazine in USA. (and no, its not cosmo!) We haven't discussed the pay yet but I've heard they pay well than what my current magazine does-a couple dollars more. but that makes a HUGE difference. I don't want to get too excited coz I don't know the details, all I know is that I'm starting Jan3! Fingers crossed!

I've overridden my cell phone bill in the last couple of months and today I am very proud of myself. I didn't panick when I saw the $600 due charge on my account. Instead I called up verizon and stayed on the phone with them for 1 hour and got them to give reduce my bill to a mere $290 bucks! (I only have pay $170 out of that coz the rest R does- we have a shared plan, but I'm the one who always goes above the limit)
Anyways, I was so calm and collected about how I handled it! A good friend Prasad used to tell me, when you've been in shit too many times, it becomes a joke. heh, today I can say I agree with him.

Something sucky happened as well. A girl, from my university whom I had helped by giving her the information of the lady who hires at the magazine I work at, got the internship here. I am mad because that girl is very ungrateful. She never thanked me and when she saw me in the bus or wherever, she'd pretend to not know me!! Sheesh. My friend Brandon here also warned me about "Crazy women" at the new magazine where I'm going to work. Magazine business is so competetive, and it both humbles you and makes you strong. It is a glamorous job, no doubt. And thousands of women want it. So there's obviously a lot of back biting, stepping on one another's foot and even toppling one another. Thankfully, I've learnt to recognize who my foes are and who my friends are. I want to keep this blog to myself and not talk too much about my job because it could risk me losing it!

Oh and I also learnt that one of the assistants who was working here in the Beauty dept got fired because she wasn't doing her job well! I used to know her-- Harvard educated, very smart/.I dont know what went wrong, maybe she wasn't satisfied with her job.

I still have to kill a couple more hours because the girl I'm crashing over at returns from work by 8. :( I'm so tired that I just want to sleep. I miss R. He dropped me to work this morning and he even commented on my other "professional" blog!! hehe
Once I find out how permanent this new job is, I am going to think more seriously about finding a place here. That sort of thing.

Adrestia and Vivek- although I couldn't reply to your comments (my computer at work sucks!) thank you for writing it. Adrestia, you are very generous and sweet! Its silly that comments should matter, hopefully that will change for me as well. And Vivek - I'm getting spammed! What did you do on your blog? show me ! Next update will come tomorrow.

1 Responses to “Sleeping and searching”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Finally! I can't tell you times I tried posting a comment here. Thanks Vivek!

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