Meme 2

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10years ago it was 1995, and I was:
12 years old and in the 7th grade.
I had a boycut.
I wore weird long T-shirts and lose, colored pants. (ew)
Was trying too hard to belong to a certain group of girls.
Was caught singing in an empty classroom and told by the prinicpal that I should be singing on stage.

5 years ago it was 2000, and I was:
17 years old, and attending Mithibai College, Bombay
Still in love with my first love S.
Skipping classes and struggling to keep up with Physics and Math.
Enrolled in dramatics.
Studying for SAT's
Looking forward to life.

1 year ago it was 2004, and I was:

21 years old, living in the Philly
Very close to graduation.
In love
Looking fabulous, as I had started to lose weight
Loving my life, my friends, my family and my self

Yesterday I:
Was 22 years old.
Spent all day with my 7-month old neice, Sarah.
eating home-cooked meals that my room-mates mom cooked. (her parents are visiting)
Watching 'Girl in Rio' with my close friend Resham
Squealing in joy about scoring another interview in NY
Fielding calls for sublets

5 Songs I know all the words to:

"Bhagee re Mann" - Chameli
"Durr" - Strings
"Awara Bhavre" - Sapnay
"Drops of Jupiter" - Train
"A whole new world" - Aladin

5 Things I would do with 100 million dollars:

Pay of my loans, his loans and my sister's loans
Give half of it to my parents.
Give a part of it to someone who wants to start a school like Totto-Chan's

5 places I would love to visit:

Tokyo- Japan
Barcelona- Spain
Istanbul- Turkey
Santorini- Greece
Alaska- in time for the Northern Lights

5 things I would never wear:

Mis-matched clothes
Obnoxiously expensive jewelry
Super-tight pants
Micro-mini skirts
Dull colors

5 favorite tv shows:

Desperate Houswwives
Everybody loves Raymond
Sex and the City
random shows on TLC and Food Network

5 bad habits:

Interrupting people
Thinking too much

5 biggest joys:

A big fat paycheck

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