Something new, something old, something borrowed, something stolen

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I've done something bad. And I don't think I have enough courage to admit it here on this blog and let everyone know of it. To get out of my system, I told it to R. But I've decided that I cannot live with myself knowing that I am capable of such pettiness, so the next chance I get, I am going to rectify my mistake. Godwilling, there will still be a chance to do that. Please pray for me. I have taken an oath that I will never repeat that mistake again. Ever. Please pray that I get to rectify it- it might not be too late. I can't live with this guilt.


I had a wonderful weekend, otherwise. (the bad thing I did kept haunting me but once I decided to undo it, it provided me temporary succor) I spent some really good time with my friends. One of my roommate S is going to India on Wed for the winter break. Today me and her talked for a few hours- assessing our relationships with the people around us and our friends. I realized that I had been wrong to judge S, the way I did. She's different, but I can see why now. I believe that once you understand the true reason why someone hurt you or treated you bad or just someone you didn't like - you cannot be mad at them anymore or judge them. People have layers and even after living with S for a few months, I was unaware of her depths and intelligence.

G's parents are visiting and have been staying with us. I love having people around. And this is what I LOVE most about being on my own- there are always people around. My friends. I cannot imagine living alone - or married. R took G's parents and us shopping on Saturday. And Sunday night- 6 of us jammed ourselves inside R's tiny Jetta and drove 2 hours to New Jersey to eat Indian-style chinese food! The bill was hefty but the food was worth it! Tonight, after a sumptous mealf of gujoo dal (which I didn't touch!) sweet suji dosas, gobi sabszi, puri and roti - I took G's parents and G for a gelato. We made it just in time as they were about to close. My sister tagged along as well - she's funny, I tell you. I think the ice-cream went to her head or she got high on the sugar in it and kept repeating in the car, "Don't talk to me now, I can't hear. I'm thinking of the ice-cream server." (he was cute!) She said it to G's mom and all of us laughed. My sis is a real cartoon sometimes. heh

A close friend M, who was supposed to come to Philly from LA next week - backed out last minute. And I'm sick of being the nice, understanding friend who'd also understand this situation and her reason for calling out a week before arrival. I just don't buy it and I believe it is incredibly rude and unfair of her to pull out this stunt and ruin what we've been planning for four years now. I can't help but think, this country has the power to change the weak-willed. It can make a mouse out of a tiger and draw water out of a desert.


I have another interview in NY this Thursday. With a magazine that I LOVE. Although it is not a permanent job, if I get it- hopefully I'll be assured a steady income for the next couple of months or atleast weeks! And rumor is such that this magazine pays well. Better than the one I'm with now. So, touchwood.

I like it that I can convey so much in so little words now! heh.

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