Selfish bubbles

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I am a selfish person and I have no qualms admitting it.

I do not give money to beggars. I do not donate money to social causes. I do not lose sleep over nations fighting, bombs and booby traps exploding and hinterlands sweating in a bloodbath. When the tsunami ate the coastlines and redrew the maps, I watched the news nonstop. Cried every night. But didn't send any clothes, didn't send any money. Prayed a little.
When Hurrican Katrina swallowed New Orleans, a city I had often dreamt of visiting, I saw the gruesome photographs. Like others, I got a little mad at the government and the president but then forgot about my anger because, it would be unfair to hold anyone responsible. Again, I didn't send money, clothes or food.

But everytime I recieve free stuff from my random jobs, I give it to my sister- no matter how bad I want to hold on to it. I always leave that last morsel, that last sip...that last bite on my dinner for my boy-friend. I give my good pillow to anyone who comes to my house for a sleepover, I also let them have my room, and the more comfortable mattress. Even though the other mattress hurts my back. I also let them have the jucier fruit, the fuller bowl of cereal and the warmer piece of bread for breakfast.
I buy the better, the more expensive shoes for my sister when I go shopping and I buy the cheaper kinds for myself. I put away my boy-friend's laundry and fold his clothes. Even though I don't do my own laundry often. I talk to my mother every single day, even on days I don't want to talk to anyone, even on days I have nothing to talk. Sometimes even twice a day because she likes it.
I put away the best candles-holders and the best candles for my mom. Even if I want them, I let her have them. I always listen to the random songs my best friend sends me. Even though I never like them. I share the free samples I recieve from work with my roomates here and I tell my friends that I believe in their dreams. I say hello to strangers and have always thanked the bus-driver since the last 4 years.

I am selfishly selfless and I have no qualms admitting it.

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